
The Resilience Roadmap Model

The Resilience Roadmap Model of Trauma Prevention & Recovery

In this timely Trauma-Informed Workshop with acclaimed author, Maggie Kline, professionals will develop necessary skills to trauma-proof our children and young people in the classrooms and communities.

This 12-hour training delves into the two critical pathways, Interoceptive Awareness and Eight Essentials of Healthy Attachment, in the Resilience Roadmap. 

Stop trauma in its tracks, address disruptive behaviors, and create a safe and nurturing school environment with a neuroscience-based approach. 

  • Learn about the Interrelationship of Early Trauma, Development & Attachment
  • The Role of Sensorimotor Processing and it’s Impact on Bonding and Attachment
  • “The 8 Essentials of Healthy Attachment” with Activities for Ventral Vagal & Social-Emotional Development at Any Age
  • Integration of SE™ Principles with Art & Movement Activities in Private Practice & Disaster Settings for All Ages
  • Activities & Exercises to Support Sensorimotor Integration Post Trauma in Children
  • Teaching Kids & Teens Sensory Awareness & Tracking Skills Using Games, Art & Breath Activities to Increase Self-Regulation of their Arousal Cycles of Charge/Discharge/Settling & Integration

About the Trainer:

Maggie Kline, Family Therapist and School Psychologist, is the author of  “Brain Changing Strategies to Trauma-Proof Our Schools: A Heart-Centered Movement for Wiring Well-Being”. She co-authored the books, “Trauma through a Child’s Eyes” and “Trauma-Proofing Your Kids: a Parents’ Guide to Instilling Confidence, Joy and Resilience” with Dr Peter Levine, creator of Somatic Experiencing® (SE™).

Dates: Wed to Sat over Zoom
New dates to be released

Time: 9am to 12pm

Course Fee: TBC

Inclusive:  Workshop Pack will be delivered to each participant for experiential learning

Ready to Apply?


    For applicants to the Somatic Experiencing ® Professional Training
    Please answer these additional questions:

    Member of a professional regulatory organization

    Sponsored by company

    Additional Information of Applicant

    Terms and Conditions

    1. LIVING STREAMS THERAPY, TRAINING AND CONSULTANCY LLP. reserves the right to change the format of delivery, venue, trainer(s) and dates, or revise the programme should circumstances so warrant.

    2. Participants must meet the minimum 80% class attendance and any other course requirements as stipulated for each course in order to be awarded with the Certificate of Completion.

    3. LIVING STREAMS THERAPY, TRAINING AND CONSULTANCY LLP will not provide make-up lessons for absentees.

    4. LIVING STREAMS THERAPY, TRAINING AND CONSULTANCY LLP and their staff and agents will not be liable for any death, illness, disability, personal injury, mishap, damage or loss of property or any other loss arising in connection with this course.

    5. Full payment of course fee will have to be made to LIVING STREAMS THERAPY, TRAINING AND CONSULTANCY LLP at least 14 working days prior to course commencement date or before the stipulated date to enjoy the early bird discounts, if applicable.

    6. For applicants applying to VCF funding for pre-approved training, please submit the approval letter from NCSS to LIVING STREAMS THERAPY, TRAINING AND CONSULTANCY LLP upon acceptance into the Training.

    7. LIVING STREAMS THERAPY, TRAINING AND CONSULTANCY LLP reserves the right to postpone or cancel the Course due to unforeseen circumstances or low enrolment. For cancellation of Course, full fees paid less $100 non-refundable administrative fee will be refunded to participants. For postponement of Course, fees paid will only be fully refunded to participants if participants decide to withdraw from the course.

    8. Refund Policy - Full fees paid less S$100 non-refundable administrative fees will be refunded if participants’ written notice of withdrawal is received more than 7 working days before the course commencement date. A withdrawal penalty amounting to the full course fee is applicable if participants’ written notice of withdrawal is received less than 7 working days from course commencement date.

    9. LIVING STREAMS THERAPY, TRAINING AND CONSULTANCY LLP may take visual and/or audio recordings of participants during the course and reserve the right to share, use, publicise or publish in print, broadcast and electronic media, quotes, works or photographs derived from this Course.

    10. For the Somatic Experiencing ® Professional Training, application will be reviewed and screened. LIVING STREAMS THERAPY, TRAINING AND CONSULTANCY may contact applicants for more information should it be necessary, and reserves the right to accept or reject an application after consultation with the Trainer/ Lead Assistant.

    Declaration and Consent

    1. In-line with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)


    Want to talk more?


      For applicants to the Somatic Experiencing ® Professional Training
      Please answer these additional questions:

      Member of a professional regulatory organization

      Sponsored by company

      Additional Information of Applicant